Saturday, 25 October 2014

Toilet Gags - Part 1

Toilet Gags – Part 1

It's supposedly what the English are good at – Toilet humour, or so I'm told. But it's no joke to be 'caught short' on a long run or in a race. Having talked to a lot of runners who have suffered from tummy issues I thought I'd give you some tips in these, 3, blogs.

Many runners, new and old will be starting training for the London Marathon now as the ballot has just been announced recently. Some of you may never have run a marathon and the distance may beginning to feel scary but I'm not here to remove that particular fear, no, my purpose here is to help you have a pleasant race in other ways.

OK, so you body has enough fuel stored (if you've trained and fuelled correctly) for about 90 mins of hard effort. After that you will have to slow down as you access other energy systems to continue. The fastest marathon runners in the world take around 2 hours to complete the distance so your going to need to 'eat' as you run.

You can't realistically stop for a meal and to be honest you wouldn't want to run after that anyway, although I do hear stories of Ironman triathletes who seen to have done exactly that! So what are your options?
  • Eating/drinking what is provided by the race organisers
  • Taking your own nutrition
  • A combination of those two

Whatever you decide to do you must practise this before your event. If you've never tried Lucozade Sport or Powerade how do you know that you will be able to stomach it? And that really gets us back to the point of my blog.

The odd sip or bottle of a sports drink, to try it out, whilst in the gym or on a short run is no substitute for using the product on a long run. Your body may behave and react to it very differently under the stress of the main event. That means, that if you are planning to use the nutrition provided during the run you need to find out what it is so that you can practise. Most race organisers are willing to provide that information in advance and it is often on the race website or information pack, do not be scared to ask. You will also need to know when the product will be provided so you can test if that interval of x miles between stations works for you.

If you have your own ideas about nutrition you must train with that and test it too. As any experienced runner will tell you, 'nothing new on race day'! You do not want to be in a situation where you're running faster just to get to the next Portaloo or where you have to ask a local business or homeowner to let you use their 'facilities'! Believe me, I know, even with tried and tested strategies I've had to resort to these options due to other unforeseen circumstances.

So what are you going to practise with, what are you options there? That will be the subject of Part 2, coming shortly...