Friday, 23 September 2016


Runderwear Review

In my role as PT and also 'the voice' of the brand on social media I have the (sometimes dubious) honour of testing sport, weight loss and fitness products now and then. This review has an added extra – my hubby also got some of this product to try so that we could do a his and hers analysis.

The product?
Runderwear – sport, or should I be more specific – running, underwear. Here you go:

My first impressions when I opened the packaging were: “what a dreadful colour”, “oh, they’re briefs” and “hey, they feel soft”.

I’d like to ignore the colour (cyan blue) but I can’t, it really is awful, it’s a bit feminine and it reminds me of the Y-fronts I used to wear during my childhood in the 1970s and 80s. There’s no way I’d buy undershorts in this colour, black: yes, black with cyan accents: yes, but cyan: definitely not.

So glossing over the colour, how do they feel when worn?, well, very comfortable actually. They didn’t feel like they were compressing anything, neither did they feel loose and the fabric felt very soft.

I wore them under loose-fitting shorts without a liner and went for 1 hour run in 20°C heat with a slight breeze, so warm enough to build up a bit of a sweat.

I barely noticed I was wearing them; if it hadn’t been for the fact that my (ahem) genitals weren’t swaying from the momentum of running, I’d swear I wasn’t wearing anything underneath my shorts at all.

With hindsight, I wish I’d been wearing Runderwer rather than my usual mesh-lined shorts, when I suffered some unpleasant 'male area' chafing during a very rainy Warwick half marathon.

In summary: they do the job admirably, the pricing is very good (£16 a pair), they feel well made and they’re also available in black.

So would I buy a pair? - yes, I would.

I have specialist clothing for running and cycling and skiing. From tops and trousers to jackets, socks, gloves and hats. As a woman I also need to have sports bras. I didn't ('til now) have pants just for sport (apart from padded shorts for cycling – they are a necessity!). I wasn't sure that special pants were necessary except for superheroes, and I don't run commando.

Having tried Runderwear I won't go back to running in my M&S undies ever again. No chance of chafing from these beauties. However, lets start at the beginning.

I love receiving parcels and packages – even though we get lots of items delivered, each one is a joy. I can't wait to open every one and see what it contains – my Runderwear package contained a lovely soft, seamless pair of pants and a bra top in black with cyan writing.

'Don't Run Commando' they read on the pants waistband, and Runderwear is emblazoned on the centre of the bra top. The fabric feels a little thick and at first I was wondering if they would be a little too warm when worn. The bra top compresses slightly but is no good as your only underwear and indeed I don't think it is designed as such. The pants style I would label 'Harvest Festivals' as 'all is safely gathered in' or if you prefer – granny or big girl pants. This does ensure that they don't slip down or ride up.

On my first run out I decided not to risk any issues with chafing, just in case, so I only completed a few miles. As I didn't find any issues on my short run I stepped them up to my long run next.

I have now run many hot sunny and sweaty, or drizzly or windy km's in my Runderwear and I love them. No slipping, no soggy wet (sorry if you're sensitive) bum-crack moments that you get with cotton pants, no chaffing, no overheating. I love the bra top too – wearing it for shorter runs when it's hot and where I don't need a backpack or in the gym.

I'm totally sold on the idea of running specific underwear now – I even wear them to the gym for particularly intensive sweaty sessions and will be buying further pairs soon to ensure that they're never in the wash when I need them! They do dry relatively quickly when washed– much more than cotton but being quite thick still not as fast as my much thinner running tights.

Having recently spoken to running friends about them, I had found a number of converts in my network too. Next time you're dressing for a run or workout make sure you have the right gear from the underwear outwards even these little things can make the difference between a good and a great run.

Now, where's my credit card and lets get to the website...

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Z for miles

Z cars

Z cars was an old TV series - a crime drama
There are lots of them on TV now too

There is a standard format to these things often:

Crime happens
Cops get involved
Crime is solved with the build up of evidence during the show
Sometimes the police pick up the wrong person
Go down a blind alley
But eventually justice is done

Could this be a metaphor for life, diet and fitness?

But like watching all 21 subtitled episodes of 'The Killng'
eventually it will come right!

Getting Zzzzzzzzs

We have a heatwave right now and I'm finding it tricky to sleep as I'm
just too hot!

But usually I'm in bed by around 10
No TV, no ipad or computer
No distractions
Just a dark room and a comfortable bed
We even had shutters fitted as the sunrise kept waking us up

I get up between 05:30 and 08:00 and I'm usually refreshed and able to
get on with my day with ease and energy once I'm up.

I'm not bragging (it's not always perfect either)
I'm trying to say that if you get to bed early enough then
you CAN get up early and not be worn out.

You can also recover properly from your training
And the reduced stress on your body will help to ensure
that you burn fat, not store it around your body.

Get a proper nights sleep as often as you can

 Zebra (and tiger) print leggings

Nike have a great range of gym wear
Expensive true
Good designs and colours (as in the title) too
Fit for purpose as well

But what you wear in the gym is your choice
As long as it covers what needs to be covered,
you can move easily
and it's comfortable - including keeping cool
its' your choice

And remember it's not a fashion parade
it's a workout
By all means match your kit
or buy some great prints
but focus first on what it's being used for.

Y for Mistress


For relaxation
For stretching
For focussing the mind...

Yoga is ideal.

There are many types of Yoga for you to try, some slow and flowing, some fast paced and energetic. There's a Yoga for you, there's a Yoga for all!


This is hashtag I had to look up a little while ago
I'm not really 'down with the kids'!

For those, like me, not in the know
It means...
You only live once

The idea being that you should grasp opportunities when they present themselves.
Don't waste time worrying
Time will pass anyway
Just get on and do it

Don't wait 'til tomorrow to start the diet,
exercise programme

Do it now
you only live once
don't let time pass you by.


Your workout
Your eating regime
Your goals

It must be for you
Or you won't stick to it

It must be for you
Or you won't make time for it

It must be for you
Or it won't help you reach YOUR goals

It's necessary to be a little selfish when you plan your training and diet.
Whilst caring about others is good
Don't just use them as an excuse not to follow your plans
Reach your goals
Plan them time and you time as well

X for breakfast

X-press yourself (originally published 4/7)

Happy 4th July!
OK, so maybe I shouldn't celebrate the loss of a colony
But is was a long time ago
And we're all friends again now!

There will be a lot of US citizens in the UK
who will be taking the day off to celebrate today.
To express their delight and over indulge...

How do you express your 'wins in life'
With food?
With alcohol?

Could this be the reason you're not achieving your fitness goals?
Is one set of wins causing losers elsewhere?

Take care how you express yourself...
Make sure it's not also expanding yourself!!!


I know
I'm cheating this week with my 'x's

But back to eXercise
For general health the government guidelines state
that we should be active, raise our heart rates to a point
where we are a little out of breath and feel warm,
5-7 times per week for around 30 mins. Those 30 mins
can be split up over the day if you can't manage them all
at once.

Do you do that?
Think carefuly...
Many don't

If you're not getting even this level of exercises try:
Walking up the stairs rather than using the lift at work
Get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way
Park as far away as possible at the shops
Go for a walk in the park or around the streets at the weekend

It's not too difficult to add some exercise to your day
But it can take a litte bit of thought
Think now, stay fitter for longer.


I'm really cheating now!
This is a new composite word...
Exercise to energise

This came to mind twice yesterday
Once at a talk I was giving
Then again at home talking to my hubby

The folks I was talking to asked about
exercises to energise their group
Hubby talked about feeling tired when leaving work
then feeling lively and energised once he started to cycle home

Exercising when you think you feel tired can be the best thing
It can wake you up
Release the 'happy hormone' endorphines
Get your blood circulating and lift your mood

And if after you've tried to exercise for 5 mins you don't feel
Then you must really be tired
So go home and sleep!


Monday, 1 August 2016

W for a quid

Walk the walk

My littlest sister, Hazel has completed an event with this name
It's a charity marathon, in London, performed over night
It's a walk but even a walk of 26.2 miles is hard work
It's 26.2 miles afterall!

Walking, although not necessarily of this distance
is a great exercise, one that many can do with little equpiment needed!

Walking provides a low impact cardio-vascular workout
Most of us can do this
(You don't need to run to get fitter)
Walking is a great start to your fitness journey

 Weights and measures

 Do you use the scales to monitor your weight-loss?
OK - so you're looking just at weight
But there can be other ways of looking at increased fitness
And fat loss

Key circumference measurements such as:
Thigh and

You might not be losing weight but by working out and/or eating right you
may be tightening up these measurements.

Don't just worry about the scales.
Use the tape too.
And don't weigh or measure too often
Keep it to once a week
As daily fluctutations happen!

Wafer thin mint

If you're not sure what I'm referring to
Look for Mr Creosote on youtube...

But how many of us, when offered a small morsel
despite being full, eat it's only a...afterall

Do you have to have dessert?
Do you need a starter?
Or do you just fancy it?

If you eat more slowly you may find that you are full earlier
than you previously thought. The stomach is a bit slow to tell
the brain this news you see.

Enjoy each mouthful, savour it and save yourself from feeling
bloated and full later. And, of course, putting on weight!
(Or exploding!)


V for Las Vegas

In order to challenge my clients I often vary their workouts
New exercises
New equipment
New combinations
New moves

But even one exercise can be changed itself
to make it easier or harder or more interesting

The 3 key variables to play with are

Range of movement - how far/the angles you move the weight or body part
Repetitions - the number of times you complete the movement
Weight used - the obvious one!

So, I can spend a whole session on one exercise alone
changing each variable to make it harder or easier
practising technique
perfecting the move
If that's what's needed of course!

But most people want variety
And PT's are good at coming up with ideas and exercises to challenge.

So, if you're bored with your workout go find your local PT
The can stir up the variables and make things interesting for you!
They will challenge your muscles and mind and help you improve.

Vastus Medialus Obliques

It's a real mouthful!
And it's a muscle in the top of the leg
Part of the quadriceps (front of leg)

But it's not really the point of the post
It's just a way to get a 'V'

This post is about knees
Or those of us who have been told not to run
due to knee pain

This muscle MAY be one of the reasons for some of us
You see mine are a bit weak
And that means that my kneecaps get pulled across
to the other side of my knee by the stronger muscles on the other side

But instead of giving up running, I just need to keep the muscles

So, is there something that is stopping you from working out?
An imbalance somewhere in your body?
It may be fixable
Don't just give up
Or necessarily let your GP tell you to give up
Unless they are a sport expert
Get a second opinion of you want to be certain


If I remember correctly
Velocity is speed in a given direction
(I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong!)

How fast are you progressing?
Are you happy with that speed?
What direction are you going?
Is that the direction you want?

As trainers we could be referred to as velocity controllers...
We can help with speed and direction

If you've stalled
Or you're stuck in a jam
You know who to call!



Did you do your 'democratic duty' yesterday?
I don't really need to know!

But when you talk about doing your duty
do you also realise your duty to your body?

If you ran your car like you run your body
would you expect to get it fixed for free?
Would you abuse it so much?
How long would you expect it to last?

How much more can you do to keep your 'engine'
and 'bodywork' in tip-top condition?

Think what you can do first before you run to the
NHS garage for a service!

Look after your own self first!


Thursday, 28 July 2016

U for mism


Struggling for 'U' based posts this week
(What will it be like at Z and X?!)

But an exhibition we saw at the weekend has helped, today at least...
It was called 'Undressed' and was a historical trip through the development and styles of men's but mostly women's underwear.

How on earth is that about health and fitness you say?

The wrong undies can damage your performances
From too tight items that cut in and chafe (ouch!)
To the too loose 'let it all hang out' clothing faux pas
Even the wrong colour can detract from what you're meant to be focussing on
(Did you see the mens' cycling team that chose white for their shorts or the womens' that had a pink shorts area? *shiggle* (That's a shudder and giggle together!)

Mostly though I'm thinking rubbing and chafing (especially when running).
So chose comfortable items close to the skin, train in them if you're planning a competition in them and look in the mirror to check it's not obscene before you set out!

Got an event coming up?
Are you ready?

I have despaired of people I've met at races who have not been prepared  for the distance that thay are completing. There are also the brides that contact PT's with only a few weeks (or one I heard of, a week!) before their weddings, wishing to lose weight for the 'Big Day'

These things are not surprises, they haven't happened all of a sudden.
The people concerned had time to prepare
But did not
Whilst their underppreparation may not have spoiled the day
better preparation may have improved it

Remember to be like a scout or guide
'Be Prepared'

And if you need our help - ask well in advance
We're good, but we can't work miracles

Many of us do this to ourselves
Underestimate our capabilites

Our trainers don't
If you really want to achieve more
Grow stronger
Run longer

A coach or trainer may be the thing to spur you on

Even us - I only get he best out of my sessions when working with someone who will push me and not let me wimp out!

On my run yesterday  I had an 'out of body experience'
I didn't quite feel that my legs were being told what to do by my brain!

It felt very odd but I forced myslef to keep going for a few more mins
I know exactly why I felt a bit weird
I hadn't eaten enough prior to my run

I was undernourished
I 'bonked' as the cyclists call it
I 'hit the wall' as runner call it
I just plain ran out of steam

So the moral of this story is - make usre you fuel properly
to get the best out of your training

T for two

Transverse Abs...
No, not a new band
The transverse abs or TVA
Are part of your abdominal muscles

A very deep, hidden part
But an area that should not be neglected
It will help to stop injury to your back when lifting
If you engage or use your abs well, especially the TVA

It's worth exercising this area and getting used to 'switching it on'
before other heavy or intense movements

Here's some ideas to help you work this area:

Monday, 25 July 2016

S far as you go

It's S week!

Stamina first - to get through the week...we need it
Although less this week as it's only a 4 day one after the Bank Holiday!!!

Stamina - or Endurance 'is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue. It is usually used in aerobic or anaerobic exercise. The definition of 'long' varies according to the type of exertion – minutes for high intensity anaerobic exercise, hours or days for low intensity aerobic exercise. Training for endurance can have a negative impact on the ability to exert strength unless an individual also undertakes resistance training to counteract this effect.'

That's according to Wikipedia.

Stamina in fitness needs to be built up - we don't often have it from the start. If you take up running don't expect to t be able to run a marathon straight away. It takes months to get to that point - at least.

And as it says in that reference - endurance and strength don't always go together in training. Tomorrow we'll be looking at strength.

Today though - remember that stamina will need to be built up over time,
Don't rush it.
Take it easy
Take it slow
Build it up gradually.

Strength today!
Simply the ability to lift heavier and heavier weights
Like endurance we don't have it from day 1
We need to build up

If you're new to weight training make sure you check that they way you are lifting/using machinery is safe and effective  - work with your local trainer!

At the beginning of a strength building journey you may only need or be able to perform one set (a group of reps). The number of reps (repetitions or the number of times you make the lift/do the exercise) should be around 10-12 when you start out. Choose a weight that you will find tricky to lift for the last 1 or 2 reps.

Keep a note of which exercises you do, how much and how often and how many times you lift the weight or use the machine. Once you can perform 12 reps with relative ease, add a set or increase the weight. There are lots of ways to make your body work harder and grow even stronger!

I'm used to weight training and my current programme has 15-20 reps in each of my 4 sets. Week by week I can feel the strength gains and have been increasing my weights. I prefer free weights  to machine but it depends what your gym has and how comfortable/able you feel to use them that helps build your confidence with your strength.

R for Mo


Like the hydration message,
I keep repeating this one

Rest is important
As important as your training
You need it to allow the muscles to repair
To grow
To respond to your training load

But  I do mean planned
or necessary
Not just

Plan it in or listen to your body
It's not rest if you don't train
It's being lazy!


I define myself as a runner
Not very fast
But a runner and a marathon runner at that

I started running as a cheap way to keep fit when I couldn't afford to join a gym. The habit stuck - although I now have expensive gadgets to help me too!

Running is natural but not always easy
Running is simple but not always fun
Running can be cheap

There are free/cheap groups and clubs and free events (Parkrun) all over the UK.

Looking for a cheap fitness hobby? RUN!


Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Q for the bus

My husband has 'chicken legs'
He cycles a lot
His quads - the upper front of the leg
Are, therefore, well developed

Other exercises that develop strong quads are:

This (set of 4 - hence Quad) muscles extend the knee and help in walking running and jumping.

I'm teaching this week
Performance Management
The class were completing some questions earlier
There was a lot of sighing and calculator bashing

There was then a throwing up of hands
And a giving up!

They still had time to complete the question but one student had just given up.
There was still time
The question wasn't going anywhere
But he gave up

Does he remind you of you?
I hope not!

It's never to late to start
Or start again

Don't quit - EVER!

Hydration again?
Oh yeah!

It's THAT important
You can survive a week with no food but only a few days without water.

Feel hungry - try a glass of water before yur reach for food, it could be thirst.
Trouble sleeping - you could be underhydrated
Feeling tired - try water before coffee
Retaining 'food waste' - take in more water!

Eat, drink (water) and be merry!

Monday, 18 July 2016

P for relief

The second must abundant mineral in the body is phosphorous
It's called phosphorous as it emits light but for the real science nuts amongts you it does this by chemiluminescence, not phosphorescence.

'The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth.
It plays an important role in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats. It is also needed for the body to make protein for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. Phosphorus also helps the body make ATP, a molecule the body uses to store energy.
Phosphorus works with the B vitamins. It also helps with the following:
  • Kidney function
  • Muscle contractions
  • Normal heartbeat
  • Nerve signaling

Food Sources

The main food sources are the protein food groups of meat and milk. A diet that includes the right amounts of meal plan calcium and protein will also provide enough phosphorus.
Whole-grain breads and cereals contain more phosphorus than cereals and breads made from refined flour. However, the phosphorus is stored in a form that is not absorbed by humans.
Fruits and vegetables contain only small amounts of phosphorus.

Side Effects

Phosphorus is so readily available in the food supply so deficiency is rare.
Excessively high levels of phosphorus in the blood, although rare, can combine with calcium to form deposits in soft tissues such as muscle. High levels of phosphorus in blood only occur in people with severe kidney disease or severe dysfunction of their calcium regulation.'


Another metal today - potassium
It's a soft solid at room temperature that can be cut easily to show a shiny silver surface with discolours quickly to grey as it oxidises.
'Potassium is a mineral that the body needs to work normally. It helps nerves and muscles communicate. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out of cells. A diet rich in potassium helps to offset some of sodium's harmful effects on blood pressure.
Most people get all the potassium they need from what they eat and drink. Sources of potassium in the diet include
  • Leafy greens, such as spinach and collards
  • Fruit from vines, such as grapes and blackberries
  • Root vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes
  • Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit'

This mineral is also in some of my favourite 'post-gym' snack foods - bananas and dates.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

O for the rainbow

Osteoporosis - literally porous bones but brittle gets the message across I hope.

This condition results in a loss of bone strength and increased likelihood of fractures especially of the wrist, hips and spine. It happens to both sexes but is more likely in women due to both smaller bones, longer lives (more time for breaks to occur) and reduction in oestrogen after the menopause.

So, why is a fitness company talking about a medical condition?

Because there are some factors that you have control of, and we can help with, that will reduce your risks.

A diet - rich in calcium and Vitamin D can help build and maintain bones, cutting out fizzy drinks and lowering your alcohol intake as well as giving up smoking can all contribute here.

Load bearing exercise - bones will build and strengthen in response to loads applied (so get lifting ladies!)

Want help?
You know the drill!

On a yard!
This one is in honour of my long time colleague Jim
His original blog on was called 'On a yard' and this is his 'battle cry' when completing races (marathons and further).

So why would I be talking about someone elses blog?
Well, reading others postings (like this one) can inspire and motivate you
Jim's certainly does!

He's recently run the marathon in under 4 hours - a time he has been aiming at in the last few races. Well done Jim.

If you want to read about his efforts or any other runners why not google for Real Buzz or Fetcheveryone (where I keep my running training and notes). The 2017 London Marathon ballot opens on inspired...(*based on the date of posting - April 2016)

Speaking Obliquely
Or talking about obliques that is
The sets of muscles on the sides of the torso near the waist
They help to twist the torso, one set on each side help the alternate movements

When these muscles are developed (and not covered in a layer of fat) they cinch in your waist like a corset. The opposite is the less attractive 'love handles' look.

To help strengthen them try side bends and twists holding a medicine ball. And lots of reps of 'put the pizza down'!


Monday, 4 July 2016

N for lope

Remember those macro nutrients and micro nutrients we mentioned last week (M week!)?

Well some foods are full of them
And some foods aren't
Some are just 'empty calories' that they body can't use
Like alcohol...

Nutrient dense foods are easy to spot
They are the unprocessed ones, these that can be picked, pulled or caught.

Real food
Not proceseed, packaged food
Food that has it's own built in colours, not just coloured packaing.

Optimal health leads from nutritent dense foods in the right quantities.

It was abut quiet last week again wasn't it?!
So, some of the 'N's I had planned for last week are now here!

Cashews, brazils, almonds etc

I love 'em!
But you might be avoiding them due to their high fat content?

These are 'good fats'
So grab your nuts!!!
Well, grab a handful
Don't go too mad
As they are high in calories from that fat so can easily add up to a large intake

Eat them
In moderation
Sprinkle crushed or chopped nuts on salads and thick soups

Never give up!
OK, so I was struggling for an N
But I didn't give up
I improvised!

As my fellow IF trainer Tony posted yesterday
Progress is still progress
No matter how small

So never give up
Even if you can see the progress
You're trying
You're learning
You're developing

Giving up is always an option of course
But how would you feel if you did?
When you look back?

Nil return on calorie investment

So your enjoy one or all of them?
Make sure that you do...enjoy that is
Don't just eat for eatings sake or because the person who gave it to you will be offended
(What are you? Five?!?!)

When you do go 'off plan' and have that treat choose it wisely
A treat you don't enjoy is a treat wasted - calories for no return

And remember, it is a treat not a regular happening
Keep it real but keep it enjoyable
Or don't keep it at all

M for sis

I love Epsom Salts baths!
The Magnesium (it's our week for M's!) soothes my aching muscles
Magnesium is essential in cells of all living things Spices, nuts, cereals, cocoa and vegetables (especially the green leafy ones) are rich sources of magnesium.

In the West due to modern agricultural policies the incidence of magnesium deficiency seems to be increasing but it's easy to get supplements to fix the damage if really needed and you can't get enough from your food.

If you suffer from 'restless' leg symdrome a magnesium supplement, an oil spray or even and Epsom Salts bath may help ease the issue.

Yesterday it was Magnesium today it's Manganese
Don't confuse them!

From     the key functions of manganese are;
1. activates enzymes needed to digest and synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol, and metabolize carbohydrates and proteins
2. important for energy production
3. activates enzymes that enable the utilization of other key nutrients like vitamin B1 (thiamine), biotin, choline, ascorbic acid, and vitamin E
4. manganese-activated enzymes are also important to normal bone and cartilage growth, and keep bones strong and healthy
5. needed for collagen formation in skin cells, which is required for healing of wounds
6. component of metalloenzymes needed for a number of functions that include synthesizing glutamine, and glucose metabolism, which helps regulate blood sugar balance
7. needed to make manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), one of the key antioxidants that protects cells from free radical damage, and so helps maintain a healthy immune system
8. required for production of sex hormones, fertility, reproductive health, and lactation
9. maintains healthy nerves
10. supports optimal function of the thyroid gland and thyroxine production
11. essential for proper iron metabolism and so helps prevent anemia
12. works with the B-complex vitamins to generate overall feeling of well-being

Luckily you only need it in trace amounts and you can get it from cabbage sweet potatoes and spinach and nuts, beans and seeds.

More metal today!
But not heay metals!

This one rarely needs supplementation and in fact overdoses of it can be bad for you. It's Molybdenum and again it's found in leafy veg and legumes. (I'm beginning to sound like your granny aren't I? 'Eat you greens dear!).

It's purpose is to help enzymes break down amino acids (from proteins) in the body.

You might not know that one!
It stands for - If It Fits Your Macros.

For today's M is Macro.

Macro-nutrients are: Carbohydrates, fats and protein.

They are called macro and they are the large ones - the majority of your intake. (Micro-nutrients are vitamins and minerals)

Between individuals the balance between the three is not greatly different but if you get it wrong you may feel 'bloated' or lack energy. My balance leans towards protein and fat as my key calorie sources, if I eat too many carbs I feel rough!

Figuring out  the best balance for you may take trial and error. I use to track my calories and macro balance - it's free and easy and you may be suprised what your food adds up to!!!


Ladies, listen
DON'T be afraid of lifting weights
You won't get big msucles without some extra help and training every day a few times a a day and youre not doing that are you?!

You will get that toned effect many want
It's simply your muscle tone showing as your fat level drops
And muscle burns more calories to 'live' - so buns fat too!

Lifting weights will also help you to keep your bones strong
And lifting weights keeps burning calories for up to 48 hours after you exercise
Just leave the little pink ones alone!

Go lift a challenging weight
And lift it again and again!

Don't know how/where to start?

Don't worry - we're here...

Thursday, 30 June 2016

L for Leather

Legs (and bum!)
Full of big muscles
Great areas to train to burn fat
To release growth hormone everywhere

Friends don't let friends forget leg day - as the saying goes
Working the legs will even help build the arms, via that growth hormone
The bits the big lads like to work for those summer guns!

Legs can be easy to exercise
With weights
Without weights
So many variations!

GO do legs!

Heard of macular degeneration?
It oftens comes with age
Your central vision begins to fail

But you may be able to reduce the effects by insuring that you don't have low levels of lutein - it's concentrated in the macula in the eye and trials suggest it may help.

And guess what?
You can get from Kale and other greens.
Kale again!!!!
Told you these greens were good for you!

Light up, light up
I'm currently up at my parents house in Halifax.
On a hill
In the middle of nowwhere
The Tour De France when past when it was in Yorkshire

I went running the other evening as the sun was setting
All dressed in yellow and reflective stuff
With a headlamp
As there's no pavement/path here

I also made sure to run on the same side of the road as
the oncoming traffic
Sounds scary?

Always walk or run so that you can see whats coming
And get away from it if needed

Never run in the same direction as the cars
when there's only road to run on

Stay safe out there folks!

I don't take sugar in my tea
I used to as a kid
But not for years

I do like sweet things mind you!

So if I fancy a sweet something
I combine my love of peppermint with licquorice
in a cup fo peppermint and licqurice herbal cuppa

It tastes really sweet and can stop a sweet craving in it's tracks
It doesn't really taste like licquorice sweets or root
just imparts a sweet taste to the tea!

Try it!


K for restaurant

No, it's not a typo (this time!).
Kelp not help.

Seaweed, yes, seaweed!

It's harvested, allowed ro dry and usually powdered for supplement use. It's also a great renewable food source as it grow back very quickly.

Kelp contains lots of trace minerals including iodine for thyrod regulation. It's easy to add to your diet - whenever a recipe asks for salt used powdered Kelp! Or you can simply take it in capsule/tablet form. (Kelp supplement)

We often think of winter as being a time where there is less fresh food around.
The harvet time has been and gone.
The autumn fruits are dwindling...

But winter is a time of green plenty with many green veg crops growing well into Winter and some, incuding Kale and Sprouts tasting better after they have been hit with a hard frost.

Kale and many green laeafy veggies contain some really healthy compounds. 'Eat your greens' may be a childs worst nightmare but they are good for you.

Kale is also very versatile, it can be boiled or steamed, dehydrated to make crisp like snacks and even eaten raw if you like it that way! I also have a green food supplement that I can add to water if I feel I've not been able to have enough of the real stuff when I'm busy working away.

Vitamin K...heard of it?
You'd know if you were short of it!

Luckily deficencies are rare as this vitamin is vital for (amongst other processes) blood clotting and bone strength.

Where would you get it from?
The green leafy veggies we talked about a few days ago!
So KEEP eating those greens folks!


Monday, 28 March 2016

J for Oranges

Jaw, jaw, jaw

What muscles would you not exercise when you want to lose weight?

The muscles around your jaw of course!

J for Jaw it is!

If you eat too many calories and from the wrong sources you WILL get fat. Losing weight is 80% food and only 20% exercise. Hence very large people can lose weight without moving too much more to begin with.

Eat less, move more is often touted as the way forward. Lets take it one step at a time - start by eating less and eating the right stuff. Good quality protein some fats and natural/unprocessed carbohydrates.

Michelle 'keep it shut' Day

Now I love a G&T before a dinner out and about
But I'm careful how much I drink as it doesn't help my fitness, weight-control or 'female issues'!

Some of my pals and I have tried several different gins and compared flavours (what little flavour the spirit has that is).

But what all real gins have in common is (or should be) Juniper.

Today is J for Juniper

Not just for gin but also good for insulin production hence could be useful if you're a diabetic. The berries can also be chewed to help inflammed or infected gums and oils in them clear uric acid from the body reducing gout symptoms.

You can also use them in cooking, crushed and added to meat or added to salt and garlic the add extra flavour to green veggies.

Michelle 'off to find a juniper tree' Day  
 My name is Michelle and I'm a runner!

I don't run fast so you might call me a jogger.

J is for Jogger

Running or jogging is easy to do, you don't need much equipment and you can do it almost anywhere. But don't expect to lose lots of weight by just doing this unless you are really inactive right now.

Running and racing can be fun - the anticipation on the start line, the struggle and comradeship on the course, the medals and goodie bags at the end.

There are lots of clubs and social groups to join if you don't want to go out on your own. Just be careful not to overeat when you get home..!

Michelle 'drinking club with a running problem or vice versa' Day

Bottle jar, jar bottle

I think I stole this one from an old Tommy Cooper sketch...

J for Jar it is!

The jar is for lunch, your lunch. Or at least the contents are.
A Mason or Kilner jar can be a great container for your packed lunch for work.
There are lots of examples on the intermet - here's a link to a good article:

Be creative!

Michelle 'Jar-Jar' Day 
Jump is for Jump! (Boing! Boing!) today

Jumping or Plyometric exercises are great for developing power in your lower limbs. The explosive jumping or dropping onto a surface can help to build speed. A combination of bending and stretching in one fast move.

But - don't try this every session, your body won't stand for it!
Do - warm up first with smaller/gentler movements
Do - have a bit of fun with bunny hops or tuck jumps for a change!

Michelle 'Zebedee' Day 

I for the Engine


What works for you might not work for others and vice versa!
You can't assume that yoiu will get the same results by using hte same place as your mates.

Realise that you are different - even if only in a small way.
Train and
For you.

Want help finding the right plan for you?
You know where to find us!


It used to be applied to small wounds as an antisecptic but not so much now!

However, we still need it in small amounts in our bodies. It's good for maintaining thyroid function and hence metabolism.

Best food sources? Seaweed, seadfood, eggs, you can also buy iodized salt.

Seaweed is one of my favourite snacks - little squares of Nori available at the Chinese supermarkets and in the health food sections of large supoermarkets and in healthfood stores. It may be a little different from the more common crisps but is high in protein and fibre - go, on...go try some!

Michelle 'mermaid' Day


With a bit of practise I can say it - Iliopsoas.

That's our word, or should I say muscle for today! Or should I say two muscles as it's actaully the refers to the combination of the psoas major and the iliacus at their inferior ends. These muscles are distinct in the abdomen, but usually indistinguishable in the thigh. As such, they are usually given the common name "iliopsoas" and are referred to as the "dorsal hip


Apologies for the lateness of Friday's email - when I was free the mailchimp server was down and vice versa!!!

So - I just invested in me!

I bought a new pair of shoes for the gym.
Lifitng shoes
To improve my squats
They weren't cheap for something that will get used for one thing only
But they weren't Jimmy Choo prices!

Why is this an investment rather than just a purchase?
It will help me lift better and in doing so improve my fitness.

Don't see money spent on fitness and health (including good food) as a cost, change your thinking and realise that it is an investment in your life. Time spent working on you is not time wasted or something to fit in when you can or a chore. It's time invested too.

Not sure what/how to invest in you?
Come and see us - your fitness investment advisors!

Michelle '30 min investment in running ocmig up next 'Day

H for retiring


No, not a hello to a new client but a word about your gym kit...
Please keep it clean folks, the warm damp sweaty environment of your workout clobber is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Bacteria that can cause nasty skin conditions - I've seen the odd case of 'gym rash' before and it's not nice.

Make sure you wash you kit well and often. Don't use fabric conditioner on wicking materials mind you - they won't work as well if you do.

As well as looking after your skin you'll also please your gym buddies too - or at least their olfactory sense!

Michelle Day

PS - Merino wool is the one expection to the 'wash every time' rule. It has anti-bacterial properties and can be reworn without smell or danger to skin for, well I trialled mine for a fortnight until my hubby kindly asumed it needed a wash even though it stilled seemed fine!


As a kid I loved watching Ronnie Barker in Porridge - he was the habitual offender in the title!
His habit was burglary!
I hope you have healthier habits!

Eating good food regularly - fruit, veg and meat
Exercising often - be it walking the dog, running or any indoor fitness pirsuits
Getting plenty of sleep - 6-8 hours a day, starting around 10pm.

These habits will keep you healthy. But you need to work at it to make them habits, things don't always 'just happen'. Sometimes you need a little push, sometimes it's more than once!

Keep at it and it will pay off!

Just had my habitual protein smoothie for breakfast - tastes great, it's easy to make and very portable. I just need to plan to make sure I have the right fruit and veggies in store and some vegan protein powder. Not much of an effort really now is it?

Michelle 'choco-raspberry smoothie' Day  

How do you make a hormone?

No, not a queue for a bad joke but a question that will now be answered...

Hormones are secreted from the endocrine glands in the body, directly into the blood stream Some of the major endocrine glands in the body include:
  • Pituitary gland
  • Pineal gland
  • Thymus
  • Thyroid
  • Adrenal glands
  • Pancreas
  • Testes
  • Ovaries
These organs secrete hormone in microscopic amounts and it takes only very small amounts to bring about major changes in the body. A very slight excess of hormone secretion or slightest deficiency in a hormone can disease and poor health.
In the cases of hormone deficiency, a synthetic hormone replacement therapy may be used and in cases of excess hormone production, medications may be used to curb the effects of the hormone.

And what do they do?
Hormones are chemical messengers telling the organs to exert their functions. There are many types of hormones some of these include:
  • Development and growth
  • Metabolism of food items
  • Sexual function and reproductive growth and health
  • Cognitive function and mood
  • Maintenance of body temperature and thirst
It's important that we look after our bodies to ensure correct hormone balance (as far as we can). This includes not giving our livers too much to do - that detox idea? It's designed (when done properly) to assist the liver to perform it's function to the best of it's ability.
This is especially important if you are going through any major hormonal changes such as in pregnancy, menopause or puberty. This even extends to the skin care and cleaning products you use - which can also disrupt normal hormone balance.

This is a big area of study - just ask us for more support if needed.

Michelle' perfectly balanced' Day

Extra material from: 

Be Happy!

Do it!
Smile and be happy!

OK! OK! I know it won't solve everything and sometimes you just can't face it but exercising with a clear purpose and doing it regularly will increase production of hormones that lift mood and may you happier. Even getting out into the sunlight will have an uplifting effect.

So, maybe what I should have written was, exercise and be happy! Lack of knowing what to do/how to do it or a clear purpose holding you back and making you feel down?

You know where we are when you need us...


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

G for Get it!

It all went a bit 'Pete Tong' this week (or two) and I almost did ForGetIt!

Our first 'G' is Ghrelin - pronounced GREL-in.

This is the hunger hormone. When your stomach is empty it's secreted and when your stomach stretches secretion is stopped.

It also plays a part in energy distribution and rate of use by regulatng the amounts sent to fat or glucose storage or to muscles to allow them to work.

Ghrelin production is actually lower in people with more fat stores (except in the case of rare medical conditions) so no - your hormones are not making you fat in this case!

A week and a bit later I started again...

Good Morning again folks and apologies. I've been a little remiss on the daily email front.
TBH I was struggling to find good posts for 'G' and them there was a big pile of
work related stress and I sort of gave up on the emails.

Sorry, you didn't deserve that.
But I'm back now.

So what is todays 'G'?

It's is G for 'Good Morning'. A good morning will tend to follow a good nights sleep. Whilst we all need different amounts of sleep it's best for almost everyone to get to bed by 10 or 10:30.

Switch off your iphone, TV, radio and relax, put down your book/Kindle.
Thick curtains or blinds will help shut out any excess light.
Writing down your thoughts before sleeping may help to clear your busy mind.

Lack of sleep can be linked to obesity and depression amongst other ills - get good sleep and have a Good Morning!

Food guilt?
And no help whatsoever to your fitness and diet efforts.

There are two other choices:
1. Don't eat/do it in the first place - no guilt
2. Do it and don't worry - no guilt

Feelings of guilt will only maked you stressed, raise your cortisol levels and hold onto more fat!


F for Vessence

Six weeks in and this may be becoming a habit!

People ask me to help them get 'fit' but what do they really mean?
Fitness has many components, in this email we'll look at it from 5 perspectives.

1. Muscular Strength

What can you lift or carry? How heavy is that shopping bag?

2. Muscular Endurance

Endurance, ah yes we've just looked at that one (last week). This is the ability to keep going, for the muscles to contract time after time for a long time.

3. Cardiovascular Endurance

The ability of your heart and lungs to deliver and keep delivering the fuel and oxygen you need to continue your workout.

4. Flexibility

This one is often forgotten. You may be able to run for miles but can you move easily and bend and stretch without effort? Tomorrow we'll look at how to increase this component.

5. Body Fat Composition

How much fat is in your body? Deposits of fab in and around organs can be dangerous and you might still have thse even though you look slim. Get you body ft checked out - are you skinny or skinny-fat?

And so to 'F'

Some religions practise it
Sometimes you have to do it for medical reasons
In truth (unless you get up every few hours during the night) we all do it.

Fasting is taking a break from eating, not just a usual, between meals or 'I'm full' couple of hours break but longer periods.

The 8-10 hours between you last meal in the evening and first the next morning is a period of fasting. It's easier to fast when you're asleep too!

Breakfast is called break fast because you are breaking the imposed (by sleep) nighttime fast period. (In my world breakfast is the first meal of the day, whatever time you have it, it's not always an early morning thing.)

Fasting for longer periods, regularly , say once or wice per week can be a way to get your body to start burning body fat for fuel.  It also works well as a method of reducing calorie intake as long as you don't make up for it on your other meals of course! Some believe it gives your body a rest from constantly digesting and processing food. Allowing it to recover and repair more effectively.

It will not harm you (unless you have a medical condition that precludes fasting - check with your doctor before trying if so), it is natural and your body can cope wth it. As a way to help fat burning and calorie reduction I've personally found it very useful.

Try doing your cardio workout in a fasted state to increase the fat burning effect - it's hard and feels horrible but it works!

Fear - it's stops many of us from doing many things

Fear of failure
Fear of looking silly
Fear of what your friends might say
Fear of taking the first step
Fear of what success might bring

We know, we see it all the time. We help, we support. We feel it too.
Dont be scared - we're here to help. Whether you've never been in the gym before, or never done exercise or you're going for a personal best, we're here for you.

Take a first step by contacting us via our website or facebook - you don't even have to make a call. Fill in the form and we'll take it from there.

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Don't call yourself FAT, say you have too much of it perhaps but don't define yourself in terms of a macro nutrient folks!

Anyway, less of that and more of what is it and what is it for!

Well as I said, it's a macro-nutrient along with carbohydrates and proteins. You should be ingesting it, you need it to absorb vitamins A, D, E and K. However, fats have the highest number of calories per gram at 9, protein and carbs have 4 in comparison.

Now, before you panic and stop eating fat - remember my first point, you NEED to eat it. Also, unlike carbs it does not produce the spike in insulin that would case the storing of energy as fat...yep, fat does not make you fat.

Like all things, eat fat in moderation and make it the right fats. A little bit of yellow marbling on your steak is going to add to the flavour afterall.

Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
Can you grab the fingers of one hand with the others, behind your back?

Most of us should be able to.

Maybe you need to work on your flexibility?
It's not just a 'party trick' to be able to place your hands flat on the floor whilst standing but that one may actually save you from some back pain - tight hamstrings can lead to that too.

So how do you get more flexible?

The first answer that might come to mind is to stretch.
However, make sure that you have help to ensure you are stretching correctly,
Or even doing the correct type of stretches (no static holds on cold muscles please),
Do them often,
Progess (may them harder) them.

You could take a stretching class - specific classes do exist (we have one at my gym) or take a Yoga or Pilates class.

Drink more water - yep, lack of hydration can damage your flexibility too so get the water in!

And whilst your in the kitchen filling your glass make sure you eat well too - veggies, fruits, meats and fish.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

E for Adam

Now in our fifth week our A-Z of fitness and wellbeing

Vitamin E

You'll see a lot of moisturising creams shouitng about their contents - Vit E being one of them often.

It's for it's anitoxidant properties - it reduces cell damage.
What else can it help with?
A healthy immune system
Circulation and heart
Lipid (fat) balance
and fertility
are amongst the effects

Vitamin E rich foods are sunflower seeds and oil, safflower, sesame, peanut, and olive oil, also spinach, salmon, oatmeal and wheatgerm, and carrots.

Porridge with seeds on for me then!


Edamame beans  - I love them
These immature soy beans, are popular in Japan and available here in Japanese restaurants and, increasingly in the frozen section of supermarkets.

The can be eaten fresh (if you can get them, I tried growing them in my garden - the slugs liked them a bit too much!), as well as steamed, boiled or microwaved in the pods.

These little pods pack a great nutritional punch containing protein, fibre, folate, manganese, phosphorus and Vitamin K. Try them with a sprinkling of sea salt or chilli as a starter or as a side dish.

E is for Erector Spinae
The muscle group that runs up the spine and helps you to stand up straight, return upright after bending forward or to bend over backwards.
To help prevent back pain or injury these muscles can be workd and developed using:
Back extensions
And (my favourite for lots of reasons) deadlifts
Go on, put your back into it!!
 E is for endurance today, the long run, haul, the whole 9 yards, going the distance...

But what is it?
And how do you train for it?

Well, if you're running 5Ks an endurance session would be anything longer than that - say 8, 10, 42K! If you lift one weight once only endurance would be lifting it a few more times. If you can hold a plank for 20 seconds then a longer hold will be it.

It's all relative. Marathoner's may consider a marathon simple to complete but and an ultra-run (anything over a marathon) to be much harder. Endurance is as much in the mind as the muscles. We need to believe that we can go further, lift one more time, hold on a little while longer.

To train to do this you need to gradually increase you distance, lifts or time. Don't try too much too soon. Do push yourself a little each time, improvements come from stretching yourself.

Michelle 'with you for the long haul' Day

Sunday, 31 January 2016

D for ential

Week 4, here we come!

Time to be strict...
No, not to be a dominatrix (although that does begin with a D of course!)

It's 'Stricly Come Dancing' - Dancing is the D here.

It's not always thought of as exercise but it can get you as out of breath and help you work up a sweat too.

Whether it's Zumba, Clubercise, Swing, ballroom or even 'shaking your booty' to your own record collection, if you like to dance this could be your way to a fitter lifestyle.

Enjoy the dance, (The closest I get is a bit of Boxercise!)

Muscle time...
The deltoid muscle is named, due to it's shape, after the greek letter Delta, both are triangular.

So, this D is for deltoids.

On the top of the shoulder sitting like a 1980's fashion statement - we loved our shoulder pads in the eighties we did!

This muscle helps in the movement of the arm away from the body and both forwards and back. It's pretty useful then so how can we exercise it?

Lateral raises
Shoulder press
Reverse flys

These are a few useful ones, look them up, perform them safely, or ask you local trainer:

A bit fat juicy semi-dried Mejdool date that is, not a night out with me!

Date palms are the oldest cultivated trees and and are high in potassium (assisitng with proper muscle contraction) and fibre. They are also high in sugar but these are released more slowly than some fruits. Just don't eat too many!

Most dates we get in the UK are dried or semi-dried but the fruits can be eaten fresh too. I love a date stuffed with a teaspoon of peanut butter as a post workout snack.

Make a date with dates!

D is for...
It's DIET.

The word now only seems to apply to slimming diets but it's full and orignal meaning is:

'The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats'

It's a simple as that - what you usually eat. So what do you usually eat?

Or are you always 'slimming'?

If that's the case you will need to run a calorie deficit of 3,500 per week to to lose a pound. That's 500 less than your suggested intake per day.

However, if you have too little food very regularly the first thing that will happen is that your body will recognise it's being 'starved' and go into a self preservation mode and start using less calories to live, storing some away as fat for later use when you're really hungry.

So, you don't lose weight and you get fed up and you go back to normal eating but your body is still wary of the starvation issue and still stores fat and you put more weight on. Sound familiar?

When calorie restricting your diet it's a fine line between losing weight and causing problems to your body so don't expect or try to achieve to much too soon. Take it slowly and follow advice - MyFitnessPal will work out a good calorie average for you based on your goals - or your local trainer could help you!

Need advice?
You know where we are!

This weeks info-mails were brought to you by the letter D.
In keeping with previous weeks we'll begin with a vitamin.

Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium (for strong teeth and bones!) effectively. Without enough Vit D your bones will be soft. Just google 'rickets' a disease which was almost eradicated in the UK but has been making a comeback recently.

Fear and Xboxes!

You see we synthesise Vit D in our skins on exposure to the sun and modern day kids just don't get much sun, they stay in and play games or are kept in by their parents. Oily fish and eggs are also good sources of vitamin D and given that D is a fat soluble vitamin it can't help but have some of those in your diet anyway!

Don't fear the outdoors but take care not to burn in strong sunlight.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

B for mutton

Week two of our A-Z and we're on to B!
B Vitamins...there are so many of them that it's worth me taking 2 days to cover them so here goes.

B1 - Thiamin
Releases energy, promotes growth, regulates appetite and a healthy digestive and nervous system. It's destroyed by light and heat and although wheat initially contains it the milling process can destroy it hence the addition of B vitamins back into bread.

It can be found in Marmite and other yeast extracts, wholemeal flours, sunflower seeds, liver and some nuts as well as brown rice and pork, beans, buckwheat and rye.

B2 - Riboflavin
Combines with protein to regulate breathing, helps with growth and promotes healthy skin and eyes. Also unstable in light hence the dark packaging of most supplements!

Found in yeast, liver and kidneys, almonds, wild rice and egg yolk as well as oily fish.

B3 - Niacin
Like B1 it's required for energy release and good digestion and nervous system and like B2 is good for skin. It also is required in the sythesis of steriods and fatty acids. This one is more stable.

It can come form the sources listed above and also lean meat and poultry.

B5 - Pantothenic Acid
Regulates carb and fat metabolism and helps with resistance to stress and as other promotes a healthy immune and digestive system. Lots of this one can be lost in many processes such as those involving heat or freezing or canning.

Sources include many of those mentioned above and also broccoli and avocados.

As you can see a lot of the sources of these B vitamins are animal - these are the vitamins that a lot of vegetarians and vegans lack. A varied diet is great for all especially those who don't eat meat, in order to ensure they get a good intake of all of these B's.

I take a B supplement for stress reduction - I've noticed a real difference since taking it. However, it may indeed be better for me (and you!) to indentify the food sources and try to manage any issues that way if we can.

Day two on that huuuuuge group of vitamins known as B:

B6 - Pyridoxine Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate
This one metabolises carbs and protein and sythesis hormones and fatty acids like B3. As with many of the others it promotes a healthy nervous system and it also aids with hormone balance. It's very unstable so eay to lose in cooking, on exposure to light or in milling.

Sources include yeast, sunflower seeds, bananas beans, pork avaocados, egg yolk, soybeans, wholewheat flour and oily fish.

B12 - Cobalamin
An important vitamin in creating red blood cells, lipids and helping a maintain a healthy gut and for DNA synthesis. You can't get this one from plant sources at all. If you're a vegan you MUST supplement for this one.

Sources are all animal proucts - liver, shellfish, kidneys, oily fish, egg yolk, lamb, beef and cheese.

Folic Acid
Like B12 is involved in the creation of new blood cells and DNA synthesis, also RNA synthesis. Promotes a healthy gut and nervous system too. Another very unstable one and supplementation is advised before and during pregnancy.

It can be found in yeast, black-eye peas, soy beans, liver, kidney, green leafy veg, figs and avocados.

Again we see that B's can be lacking in a plant based diet. You may also be suffering low B's if you experience high stress and feelings of panic frequently.

A varied diet containing lots of green leafy veg, meat and oily fish and beans will go towards ensuring that you have enough in your diet although as we can see heat often destroys them so cooking will need to be gentle - don't boil your veggies to mush, try a steamer and leave them with some bite!

The berry that is often touted by fitness and health blogs etc is the blueberry - well I'm not going to go on about that one as it's actually native to North America and we're in the UK and I would prefer to get fresh, indigenous spieces. In saying that, if you live in the North of the UK you may find a very close relative of the blueberry growing on hills and moors - the bilberry, it is native and looks like the blueberry but is not exactly the same.

The berry that most of use will see, even in hedges in suburban areas is the blackberry. Although please be careful as blackberries picked near busy roads, they may indeed have a high lead content due to the use of lead in petrol for many years prior to late 90's.

So, what are they good for and how do you get/use them?;

Your skin and gut will benefit from these berries as will you heart as thye contain a substance similar to aspirin. Fresh berries are best - so go pick some yourself out in the country and use within 3 days. You can now get packets of berries from the supermarket but there is little guarantee that they have not been in cold storage for a longer period than that leaching out there goodness.

Blackberry leaves can also be used to make tea - which was a traditional remedy for diarrhoea, mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. The berries are also great in a crumble with apples, and make a nice vinegar for use as a dressing or to soothe a sore throat.

I remember trips out into Northumberland to pick berries and the lovely crumbles and blackberry jelly made by my Nan. They're tiny little pockets of tastiness those berries!

What other muscle do you think of that startd with B afterall!

Biceps - Bi = two parts.
It flexes the lower arm i.e. moves it closer to the upper arm.
It's seen as a sign of masculinity in mnay cultures - just think of Popeye!
But guys - remember to work it's opposing pair - the tricep on the other side of the upper arm that does the opposite job!

Bicep curl video

C for yourself

Yes, today it's Vitamin C!

The illness caused by a deficiency being scurvy! Humans are some of the few animal that can't make their own Vitamin C. We need to eat food rich in Vit C to sythesise collagen ( to create cell walls) and absorb iron.

Citrus fruit contains a large amount of this vitamin as most of us know but other fruits and veggies also have it. Don't over heat or process them however, as this chemical is destroyed by heat.

Well OK, it's not but the stress hormone begins with a 'c' - Cortisol

No, hold on, it's not all bad news, I'll start again...
  • Insulin release for blood sugar maintanence
  • Immune function
Normally, it’s present in the body at higher levels in the morning, and at its lowest at night, it gets you up in the morning.

It has been called “the stress hormone” because it’s  secreted in higher levels during the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response, and is responsible for several stress-related changes in the body including the retention of body fat.

Because if your planning to run away from an enemy or wild animal or fight back you need extra stored energy to keep you going.

Source of extra info:

My hubby has just been given the green light to start cycling to work again or at least to start exercising the finger he broke whilst cycling to work!

Cycling is usually great exercise and a quick way to get around cities like the one we live in. Faster than walking but less impact on the joints that running it's a good one to try if you'd like to improve your cardio fitness whilst also saving the planet.

Get advice to choose the right bike for your size and where/how you want to cycle and make sure you wear a helmet. Whilst waiting for hubby in A&E every other person that came in had fallen off a bike (there was ice around and we are a cycling city) but all had helmets and a none had head injuries.

See you on the cycle path soon?

One of our macro-nutrient groups - carbohydrates.

Containing around 4 calories per gram they are the energy source of first choice for your body. Fats have more calories per gram but are more difficult to breakdown to release the energy.

Carbs get a bad press from many in the fitness and diet industry but what we're really saying is to avoid processed carbs such as:

Breakfast cereal

You see the carb content here is a little higher per gram and also these carbs are far easier to release and here's where the problem really lies with them. Your body breakdown the food and release the carbs aka sugar. Now sugar in concentrated quantities is poisonous and your body them releases a hormone to control this excess but converting the extra sugars into body fat and storing them safely away.

So, too many carbs can lead to you getting fatter even though the calories may not be as great as eating the same amount of fats. Get your carb energy from natural sources such as veggies - yes especially root veg and beans. These are released more slowly and don't have quite the same fattening effect. Veggies also have a fibre content and other nutrients that your bowl of pasta or jam sandwich does not.

Feeling low on energy?
Grab and apple and some water - not a coffee!