Thursday, 30 June 2016

L for Leather

Legs (and bum!)
Full of big muscles
Great areas to train to burn fat
To release growth hormone everywhere

Friends don't let friends forget leg day - as the saying goes
Working the legs will even help build the arms, via that growth hormone
The bits the big lads like to work for those summer guns!

Legs can be easy to exercise
With weights
Without weights
So many variations!

GO do legs!

Heard of macular degeneration?
It oftens comes with age
Your central vision begins to fail

But you may be able to reduce the effects by insuring that you don't have low levels of lutein - it's concentrated in the macula in the eye and trials suggest it may help.

And guess what?
You can get from Kale and other greens.
Kale again!!!!
Told you these greens were good for you!

Light up, light up
I'm currently up at my parents house in Halifax.
On a hill
In the middle of nowwhere
The Tour De France when past when it was in Yorkshire

I went running the other evening as the sun was setting
All dressed in yellow and reflective stuff
With a headlamp
As there's no pavement/path here

I also made sure to run on the same side of the road as
the oncoming traffic
Sounds scary?

Always walk or run so that you can see whats coming
And get away from it if needed

Never run in the same direction as the cars
when there's only road to run on

Stay safe out there folks!

I don't take sugar in my tea
I used to as a kid
But not for years

I do like sweet things mind you!

So if I fancy a sweet something
I combine my love of peppermint with licquorice
in a cup fo peppermint and licqurice herbal cuppa

It tastes really sweet and can stop a sweet craving in it's tracks
It doesn't really taste like licquorice sweets or root
just imparts a sweet taste to the tea!

Try it!


K for restaurant

No, it's not a typo (this time!).
Kelp not help.

Seaweed, yes, seaweed!

It's harvested, allowed ro dry and usually powdered for supplement use. It's also a great renewable food source as it grow back very quickly.

Kelp contains lots of trace minerals including iodine for thyrod regulation. It's easy to add to your diet - whenever a recipe asks for salt used powdered Kelp! Or you can simply take it in capsule/tablet form. (Kelp supplement)

We often think of winter as being a time where there is less fresh food around.
The harvet time has been and gone.
The autumn fruits are dwindling...

But winter is a time of green plenty with many green veg crops growing well into Winter and some, incuding Kale and Sprouts tasting better after they have been hit with a hard frost.

Kale and many green laeafy veggies contain some really healthy compounds. 'Eat your greens' may be a childs worst nightmare but they are good for you.

Kale is also very versatile, it can be boiled or steamed, dehydrated to make crisp like snacks and even eaten raw if you like it that way! I also have a green food supplement that I can add to water if I feel I've not been able to have enough of the real stuff when I'm busy working away.

Vitamin K...heard of it?
You'd know if you were short of it!

Luckily deficencies are rare as this vitamin is vital for (amongst other processes) blood clotting and bone strength.

Where would you get it from?
The green leafy veggies we talked about a few days ago!
So KEEP eating those greens folks!