Friday, 23 September 2016


Runderwear Review

In my role as PT and also 'the voice' of the brand on social media I have the (sometimes dubious) honour of testing sport, weight loss and fitness products now and then. This review has an added extra – my hubby also got some of this product to try so that we could do a his and hers analysis.

The product?
Runderwear – sport, or should I be more specific – running, underwear. Here you go:

My first impressions when I opened the packaging were: “what a dreadful colour”, “oh, they’re briefs” and “hey, they feel soft”.

I’d like to ignore the colour (cyan blue) but I can’t, it really is awful, it’s a bit feminine and it reminds me of the Y-fronts I used to wear during my childhood in the 1970s and 80s. There’s no way I’d buy undershorts in this colour, black: yes, black with cyan accents: yes, but cyan: definitely not.

So glossing over the colour, how do they feel when worn?, well, very comfortable actually. They didn’t feel like they were compressing anything, neither did they feel loose and the fabric felt very soft.

I wore them under loose-fitting shorts without a liner and went for 1 hour run in 20°C heat with a slight breeze, so warm enough to build up a bit of a sweat.

I barely noticed I was wearing them; if it hadn’t been for the fact that my (ahem) genitals weren’t swaying from the momentum of running, I’d swear I wasn’t wearing anything underneath my shorts at all.

With hindsight, I wish I’d been wearing Runderwer rather than my usual mesh-lined shorts, when I suffered some unpleasant 'male area' chafing during a very rainy Warwick half marathon.

In summary: they do the job admirably, the pricing is very good (£16 a pair), they feel well made and they’re also available in black.

So would I buy a pair? - yes, I would.

I have specialist clothing for running and cycling and skiing. From tops and trousers to jackets, socks, gloves and hats. As a woman I also need to have sports bras. I didn't ('til now) have pants just for sport (apart from padded shorts for cycling – they are a necessity!). I wasn't sure that special pants were necessary except for superheroes, and I don't run commando.

Having tried Runderwear I won't go back to running in my M&S undies ever again. No chance of chafing from these beauties. However, lets start at the beginning.

I love receiving parcels and packages – even though we get lots of items delivered, each one is a joy. I can't wait to open every one and see what it contains – my Runderwear package contained a lovely soft, seamless pair of pants and a bra top in black with cyan writing.

'Don't Run Commando' they read on the pants waistband, and Runderwear is emblazoned on the centre of the bra top. The fabric feels a little thick and at first I was wondering if they would be a little too warm when worn. The bra top compresses slightly but is no good as your only underwear and indeed I don't think it is designed as such. The pants style I would label 'Harvest Festivals' as 'all is safely gathered in' or if you prefer – granny or big girl pants. This does ensure that they don't slip down or ride up.

On my first run out I decided not to risk any issues with chafing, just in case, so I only completed a few miles. As I didn't find any issues on my short run I stepped them up to my long run next.

I have now run many hot sunny and sweaty, or drizzly or windy km's in my Runderwear and I love them. No slipping, no soggy wet (sorry if you're sensitive) bum-crack moments that you get with cotton pants, no chaffing, no overheating. I love the bra top too – wearing it for shorter runs when it's hot and where I don't need a backpack or in the gym.

I'm totally sold on the idea of running specific underwear now – I even wear them to the gym for particularly intensive sweaty sessions and will be buying further pairs soon to ensure that they're never in the wash when I need them! They do dry relatively quickly when washed– much more than cotton but being quite thick still not as fast as my much thinner running tights.

Having recently spoken to running friends about them, I had found a number of converts in my network too. Next time you're dressing for a run or workout make sure you have the right gear from the underwear outwards even these little things can make the difference between a good and a great run.

Now, where's my credit card and lets get to the website...

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Z for miles

Z cars

Z cars was an old TV series - a crime drama
There are lots of them on TV now too

There is a standard format to these things often:

Crime happens
Cops get involved
Crime is solved with the build up of evidence during the show
Sometimes the police pick up the wrong person
Go down a blind alley
But eventually justice is done

Could this be a metaphor for life, diet and fitness?

But like watching all 21 subtitled episodes of 'The Killng'
eventually it will come right!

Getting Zzzzzzzzs

We have a heatwave right now and I'm finding it tricky to sleep as I'm
just too hot!

But usually I'm in bed by around 10
No TV, no ipad or computer
No distractions
Just a dark room and a comfortable bed
We even had shutters fitted as the sunrise kept waking us up

I get up between 05:30 and 08:00 and I'm usually refreshed and able to
get on with my day with ease and energy once I'm up.

I'm not bragging (it's not always perfect either)
I'm trying to say that if you get to bed early enough then
you CAN get up early and not be worn out.

You can also recover properly from your training
And the reduced stress on your body will help to ensure
that you burn fat, not store it around your body.

Get a proper nights sleep as often as you can

 Zebra (and tiger) print leggings

Nike have a great range of gym wear
Expensive true
Good designs and colours (as in the title) too
Fit for purpose as well

But what you wear in the gym is your choice
As long as it covers what needs to be covered,
you can move easily
and it's comfortable - including keeping cool
its' your choice

And remember it's not a fashion parade
it's a workout
By all means match your kit
or buy some great prints
but focus first on what it's being used for.

Y for Mistress


For relaxation
For stretching
For focussing the mind...

Yoga is ideal.

There are many types of Yoga for you to try, some slow and flowing, some fast paced and energetic. There's a Yoga for you, there's a Yoga for all!


This is hashtag I had to look up a little while ago
I'm not really 'down with the kids'!

For those, like me, not in the know
It means...
You only live once

The idea being that you should grasp opportunities when they present themselves.
Don't waste time worrying
Time will pass anyway
Just get on and do it

Don't wait 'til tomorrow to start the diet,
exercise programme

Do it now
you only live once
don't let time pass you by.


Your workout
Your eating regime
Your goals

It must be for you
Or you won't stick to it

It must be for you
Or you won't make time for it

It must be for you
Or it won't help you reach YOUR goals

It's necessary to be a little selfish when you plan your training and diet.
Whilst caring about others is good
Don't just use them as an excuse not to follow your plans
Reach your goals
Plan them time and you time as well

X for breakfast

X-press yourself (originally published 4/7)

Happy 4th July!
OK, so maybe I shouldn't celebrate the loss of a colony
But is was a long time ago
And we're all friends again now!

There will be a lot of US citizens in the UK
who will be taking the day off to celebrate today.
To express their delight and over indulge...

How do you express your 'wins in life'
With food?
With alcohol?

Could this be the reason you're not achieving your fitness goals?
Is one set of wins causing losers elsewhere?

Take care how you express yourself...
Make sure it's not also expanding yourself!!!


I know
I'm cheating this week with my 'x's

But back to eXercise
For general health the government guidelines state
that we should be active, raise our heart rates to a point
where we are a little out of breath and feel warm,
5-7 times per week for around 30 mins. Those 30 mins
can be split up over the day if you can't manage them all
at once.

Do you do that?
Think carefuly...
Many don't

If you're not getting even this level of exercises try:
Walking up the stairs rather than using the lift at work
Get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way
Park as far away as possible at the shops
Go for a walk in the park or around the streets at the weekend

It's not too difficult to add some exercise to your day
But it can take a litte bit of thought
Think now, stay fitter for longer.


I'm really cheating now!
This is a new composite word...
Exercise to energise

This came to mind twice yesterday
Once at a talk I was giving
Then again at home talking to my hubby

The folks I was talking to asked about
exercises to energise their group
Hubby talked about feeling tired when leaving work
then feeling lively and energised once he started to cycle home

Exercising when you think you feel tired can be the best thing
It can wake you up
Release the 'happy hormone' endorphines
Get your blood circulating and lift your mood

And if after you've tried to exercise for 5 mins you don't feel
Then you must really be tired
So go home and sleep!