Friday, 28 January 2011

Can I have a "p" please Bob?! *

Well several p’s actually, or maybe as they all start with the word plan it’s only one. Ok, less of this nonsense lets get a ‘blockbuster’ of a session ready…..

Planning is the key to delighting clients every time – from the first meeting ‘til the last session and lets hope that these two are long way apart.

Plan your time
Meetings and sessions
If, like me, you go out to meet clients plan carefully to ensure that you arrive a few minutes early, leaving time to park, get lost (or is it just me?), get cash for meters etc. Always plan sessions with enough time between them to allow you to get from one to the next without too much stress. For you guys in the gym this is still an issue when you think about the next point in particular.

Leave time in your schedule for these. If you make yourself ill you can’t look after your clients and you can’t be a positive role model if you fail to eat and rest well. Don’t forget your family and friends either – you may love your job but most of us work to live a life we choose so get the balance right early on.

Plan your route
For client meetings and sessions ensure that you know where you are going. Get a map or get a SatNav but don’t get too lost and turn up late! This also applies to knowing your way around your gym and also to getting to any training or CPD sessions on time.

Plan your sessions
Don’t go in with out some sort of plan based on the clients needs and goals. Unless you are naturally able to “shoot from the hip” the client will be able to tell that you are making it up and you go and you may not even ensure that you cover all of the areas needed. Your plan does not have to be in massive detail and should not be completely rigid (see injuries in “Plan for the worst”) but should allow you to address the clients needs in full in the time available.

Plan for the worst
What would you do if?......
You get lost and your map does not help and your SatNav breaks down. It can’t happen you say, wrong! My SatNav has a sense of humour – it has switched off even when fully charged once I’ve gone past the area that my map covers. Fortunately I left plenty of time to find the location (after the first time it caught me out) and I made sure that I had a contact number for the client so that I could warn them. If you are going to call whilst on the way please ensure that you have a car kit for your phone or stop at a safe place before dialling.

Your client gets injured?.....
If they can and still want to train the injured areas change your sessions to suit. Make sure that it is still safe and effective to do as though as they won’t thank you if they get another injury.

Your client cancels?.....
You should make sure that before clients begin training with you that they know any rules with regard to cancellations. Be flexible with clients who due to work or family emergencies have to cancel outside the rules every once in a while – they will love you for it. Regular offenders however can damage your business and earning potential – you must be polite but reiterate the rules and reasons for them.

Plan your finances
Look at your commitments and outgoings, how much do you have to make to breakeven? How many clients does that equate to? Now ensure that you book about 25-30% more sessions than that to allow for cancellations and contingencies.

Proper planning and preparation ensure perfect performance (to change a military saying to one little more positive.)! Enjoy!

*For the youngsters amongst you (and any non-UK-TV watchers) the reference is to a school kids quiz show where questions were denoted by letters on a board which once answered could be used to create a path across the games board. Bob Holness was the host and quiz master.

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