As ever I'm restless near the end of another accountancy training term - did I mention that this is my other job? I teach people to pass their accounting exams - I'd not say 'to be accoutants' because they can only be that with practise!
So, I've been looking at ways to increase my PT income and I have 2 new lines under development;
A weekly boxercise circuits class in a local community hall (6 week trial to begin with)
Buying the equipment and client list of a local small leasehold gym
The boxercise class I should have done sooner but life gets in the way - the gym came up a little earlier than I would have expected purely by chance........
I was browsing estate agent sites on the web looking for property to buy or rent to set up a PT studio. I have been informed that the usage type I need to be allowed to do this is difficult to get agreed by the local council (anywhere in the UK). As I mithered about I saw an ad for a gym and of course I had to look!
Now, I'm a free weights and mixed gym girl at heart and the gym I'm looking at is not. But looking at financial projections I think I can make a go of this if I can add more members, some classes at quiet times and also before and after the usual hours, I can even add some PT work for members and non-members for me and others.
It will take some work - I'm not afraid of hard work. However Mr BristolPT (the hubby) is a bit more risk averse and I'm working hard just selling the idea to him! Oh, well - I plan to work there for a day soon to get a real feel for it, wish me luck!
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