Monday, 18 August 2014

The importance of sleep

I messed up today - multiple times, not excuses but a possible reason was lack of sleep..?

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Sunday, run day...

Went for a bit of a run after a day in college today.

Running, I find, is very useful to help clear the head and blow the cobwebs away. While I out one of my knees was giving me a little bit of pain so I thought I recount a little story for all of those of you out there who don't run because of knee pain...

Nearly 20 years ago I went to see my GP (a rather portly chap of about 50) as one of my knees was making a clicking noise and was a little bit painful. He said and I quote '...these things happen as you get older...' and ''ll be alright as long as you don't take up jogging!'

A few months later I was working out at my local 'big box' gym and a trainer came over whilst I was on the leg extension machine (I was not a PT and had not discovered free weights yet!) and had a chat about what he had seen as I was working. He could see that my knee caps were not tracking properly and the noise was bone grinding over bone. From there it was a simple case of changing the angle of the exercise to strengthen one muscle and stretch out another and stop the problem.

You see, GP's whilst being very good at general health and their own extra speciality (if they have chosen one) are not experts at everything and few are focussed on sports medicine. They are more likely to err on the side of caution and get you to stop doing something that may be risky than spend time looking for a root cause.

This is not a criticism of GP's, just a call for people to understand that a second opinion may be useful - one from another professional to support or question the initial advice if this is not they're specialism. Asking for a referral to, say a physiotherapist will not usually be considered as a criticism either except by the most arrogant of practitioner.

Right, back to the story - having now found a treatment for the problem I set about rehabilitating my knees and then took up running. Loads of 5k, 5m, 10k, half marathons and 5 full marathons later I off to Florida in Jan 2015 to run the Dopey challenge! (5k, 10k, Half and Full marathon on 4 consecutive days)

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Day - whatever, I've lost count!!

Frustrating day to day, spending a lot of time on trains, no wifi til now and the PC 'bricked' itself via na update last night! Nevermind, Mac's still going!

In view of the fact I've been sitting down a lot here's a stretch I recommend to all of those of you out there who do the same (desk jobs!)

You see, that back pain you've got whilst at work, may not be your back!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Rant time...

You probably think I have no 'passion' given the flat nature of my last few vids. Well I do - I just don't waste it by letting it loose too often!


Monday, 11 August 2014

Fat Loss programme trial

All this talk about sugar and fat has come out of personal experience and the research I've been doing. Whilst I was reading up on the subject and trying a few things myself I began to put together a programme to do the same for anyone to follow.

The firs trial of this programme starts today. Well for the ladies involved it actually started last night with a little fitness 'test'. The test will be repeated each week of the programme to evidence the improvements in fitness. Weigh-ins/measurements will take place at the end of the trial to compare with the initial measurements taken this week to show improvements there too.

Once the trial group has run and I've checked the results are going in the direction planned then I'll make any alterations necessary before releasing details of the finished plan.

It is designed to be done at home, no need to get to a gym. It uses ordinary foods from the supermarket. The minimal supplements I've included in the trial are easy to get too but I will recommend sources of good quality supplies.

If you're interested in hearing more just email me ( or msg me on Facebook. You could even be in with chance for a free place if you can suggest a good name for the programme that I subsequently use as I've not got a 'snappy' one thought up yet!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Quick and easy breakfast ideas with protein powder

Right so you're in a hurry and having trouble fitting in breakfast and there are not leftovers from last night!!!

Whilst 'real' fresh food is preferred when you're short of time protein powder can be a good substitute to ensure you get the 'full 'til lunch' ingredient at brekkie.

Try these ideas:
Protein smoothie - add a scoop of the powder to a blender along with fruit, nut butter (if you can eat it) and even cacao nibs. Add almond, rice or your choice of dairy substitute and blend. More liquid can be added if needed.

Protein pancakes - Blend 2 eggs, 2 bananas and a scoop of powder with enough water to make a thick batter. Heat a heavy based saucepan and add a little coconut oil to the pan. Add tablespoons of the batter to the hot oil and cook for about 1 min or until browned on base, flip over and cook on other side for one minute. Don't over cook as they can be dry. Spread with butter or nut butter and enjoy warm or pack for later.

On final can get protein powder in lots of places. Some is whey (milk protein) based, others come from vegan friendly sources. Cheap is not necessarily good - for flavour or quality.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Friday, 8 August 2014

By the power of protein!

OK - so I left you hanging for a day there but here is the blog I promised on Wed...

I've been talking about readily digestible carbs and why you should avoid them but so far I've not given you an alternative way of eating.

So here goes...
Eat less sugar and wheat,
Eat more protein!

Sounds simple doesn't it? It is! Protein will keep you fuller for longer, it digests more slowly and does not cause the spike in insulin as sugars do.

Every meal should contain some of the stuff via eggs, fish or meat. If you're pushed for time you may resort to protein powders but for the most part eat real food - a palm size portion with every meal.

Tomorrow we'll look at the most important meal of the day, breakfast and deal with what is often the biggest issue with most peoples diets.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Feeling sensitive?

No I don't really care about your feelings, I'm talking about insulin sensitivity.

You know that hormone the prevents you from being poisoned by glucose and stores the excess as fat. What? You didn't read yesterdays blog? Go back now and do it!!! (find it here)

Right then, so if your body becomes insensitive to insulin or 'insulin resistant' your body will produce more and more insulin as it can't use the current levels properly. 

This will lead to more fat storage of ingested glucose (not just sugar itself but the components of the food you eat as it breaks down). It will also prevent the stored fat from escaping which means that you can't use it for fuel, so you get hungry and you eat and it gets stored and it can't escape and you get hungry...

How does this resistance happen? Why do our bodies not just correct the issue? Well it would appear from research I've been reading that it's due to the type of food we're now eating. Our bodies have just not evolved to know how to use it as it's not been around for long enough.

What food you ask...easily digested carbohydrates (like bread and breakfast cereals), the things that many governments have been telling us to focus our diets on for years (based on some faulty research in the 1950's). These foods breakdown too quickly in the body and cause a spike in our insulin production that after many years of eating them can lead to the insensitivity issues.

So, that's the introduction done. Next I'll be talking about what you should eat to lose fat and avoid this problem.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Whats a hormone?

There was some chatter about my blog not being in my 'usual voice' - well we've still got some 'setting the scene' to do before I can let loose on you! However, here's a little taster...

*BAD TASTE JOKE ALERT* - you have been warned so no complaints!

What's a hormone?
The noises you hear from a prostitute when you refuse to pay her!

OK - it was bad I know! So back to business...

Hormone Definition (via google): A regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.

The hormone we want to consider here specifically is, insulin and what it does, before looking at how it might, via the food you eat, be working against your weight loss goals tomorrow.

So what does it do then...

Well, before your first bite of food, if you even begin thinking about food your body will begin to secrete insulin it's getting ready to grab the sugars in what you eat  and store them as fat if they can't immediately be used for energy. 

You see sugar (glucose) in large quantities is actually toxic so the insulin is both protecting you from being poisoned and storing energy for later. Oh and all food is digested into it's basic components so we're not just talking added sugar but all sugars from all food sources.

This is a normal, natural process but when it goes wrong it can stop you losing fat even if you reduce your food intake substantially - like I was saying earlier, that expected in/out relationship with calories may not hold.

Tomorrow we'll look at both what goes wrong and why it might happen...

Gauntlet - throw it down? or run it?

Last week a PT buddy of mine (Hi Rich!) challenged me to blog every day - can't remember if it was for a week or a month but sure he'll remind me!

Srsly Dude, I'm too busy!!! But then I thought, Hey I have all this knowledge I want to share in order to help people and I've been reading a lot about fat loss and the obesity crisis over the last  2 months, so, here goes:

Remember Dr Atkins? The guy with the high fat diet approach?
He did not die of a heart attack as many people joke - the poor guy died of a head injury after a fall.

Dr Atkins diet did help many people lose weight but did not increase their heart attack risk markers. Review the research like I've been doing if you don't think it's true. (He's not the only doctor to have done this but most don't shout about their work as it goes against the received wisdom of decades.)

So, ingested fat is not the key cause that people are getting fatter. It's also interesting to note that it's not the level of calories consumed that is necessarily doing it either - the calories in-calories out approach is not working as we believed it should. It would appear that something else is at play rather than simply thermo-dynamics (calories in-out).

The key issue could be down to hormones, specifically insulin and to some degree oestrogen and cortisol. Go and have a little read up on them and we'll 'tall more' tomorrow!

Michelle (fat eating evangelist) Day