Friday, 8 August 2014

By the power of protein!

OK - so I left you hanging for a day there but here is the blog I promised on Wed...

I've been talking about readily digestible carbs and why you should avoid them but so far I've not given you an alternative way of eating.

So here goes...
Eat less sugar and wheat,
Eat more protein!

Sounds simple doesn't it? It is! Protein will keep you fuller for longer, it digests more slowly and does not cause the spike in insulin as sugars do.

Every meal should contain some of the stuff via eggs, fish or meat. If you're pushed for time you may resort to protein powders but for the most part eat real food - a palm size portion with every meal.

Tomorrow we'll look at the most important meal of the day, breakfast and deal with what is often the biggest issue with most peoples diets.

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